Data extraction from Policy Invoices

Insurance Policy invoices are crucial documents issued by insurance companies or agencies to policyholders providing detailed information about premium payments for a specific period. Our AI-driven solution excels at extracting policy invoice data from such documents whether they're in the form of images or PDFs. Harnessing the power of AI-based machine learning algorithms and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) techniques, we offer ready-to-use REST APIs that make it easy for you to integrate our solution with your software system.

Our AI technology focuses on extracting key data points from policy invoices ensuring comprehensive coverage of essential information. The extracted data includes the crucial data points including Provider Details (Carrier/Agency Name, Address, Phone Number, Website), Customer Details (Name, Address, Phone Number), Invoice Summary (Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Total Amount, Account Number), Policy Details (Policy Number, Policy Items, Company) and more.

Adding our APIs to your system is super easy! Follow our step-by-step guide in the API documentation and Postman collection to familiarize yourself with API endpoints and parameters, and our team is ready to assist at any time. When you send your document to our API, it will analyze and extract the relevant data accurately and efficiently. You will receive the extracted data in a JSON format. Use the response to display information on your application screen and the integration is complete. Elevate your workflow with our ready-to-use REST APIs, making policy invoice data extraction a breeze for your applications.

FIG: Sample Input


FIG:Postman Screenshot

FIG:Sample Output

Contact us today or click here to subscribe and start automating your insurance policy invoice data extraction from PDFs and images.