Insurance Policy Data Extraction

We enable extracting crucial information from insurance policy or binder PDFs and images. Our ready-to-use API solutions leverage advanced technology to extract data from both PDF and image format from policy declarations as well as policy binder documents delivering the necessary information in a well-organized JSON format. You can easily integrate our solutions into your system to streamline your workflow.

Our AI technology utilizes cutting-edge machine learning algorithms and optical character recognition (OCR) techniques ensuring the precise extraction of data from insurance documents. With our ready-to-use REST APIs, you can accurately extract key information such as Producer Details (including Agency name, Address, Phone number, Website, etc.), Policy Summary (including Policy Number, Premium Details, Discount Details, Carrier information), Driver information, Vehicles, Property information, Coverages, and more.

You can easily integrate our APIs into your system. Our API documentation and postman collection guide you through the process. Once you send the document to our API, our APIs will analyze and extract the relevant data from policy and binder documents swiftly and accurately. Enjoy the convenience of receiving extracted data in a structured JSON format. Our solution can be incorporated into your day-to-day operations, saving time and resources while ensuring accuracy and compliance.

FIG: Sample Input


FIG:Postman Screenshot

FIG:Sample Output

Contact us today or click here to subscribe and start automating your insurance policy data extraction from PDFs and images.